Τhe ultimate goal must be the maximum satisfaction of key stakeholders, by balancing the interests of society and the business in line with the policy of sustainable development.
Contrary to the past in modern societies, the social partners and stakeholders play an important role in the implementation of the investment as they are now better organized, more informed and more sensitized to the immediate issues that concern them, usually interfere organized and generally exhibit greater demands.
In particular, it is especially important investments planned for the society to be made by the society.
The purpose is not to let things to themselves, but to develop a comprehensive communication strategy with a customized action plan to inform and mobilize internal and external stakeholders for the benefit of project implementation. The wider acceptance is now a prerequisite for the success of a project and an investment, and dramatically increases the likelihood of sustainable development.
Usually the development of projects is a complex and demanding process and depends on many different factors, so the development of the communication plan to stakeholders is an imperative and typically include aspects of the project, such as:
- Innovation
- Strategy
- Prospects
- Sensitivity to environmental issues
- Socio-economic benefits
- Modern working environment (modern personal security systems and installations)
- Economic value for shareholders and customers
Τhe ultimate goal must be the maximum satisfaction of key stakeholders, by balancing the interests of society and the business in line with the policy of sustainable development.
- Creation of corporate identity
- Create comprehensive product identity
- Branding & Packaging
- Web design & developing
- Show - Advertising – Promotion (ATL & BTL actions)
- Digital Activities
- Events – CSR actions – Campaigns